Todo lo que se describe a continuación se hace en
for i in `ls *.md`; do pandoc --from=markdown_github --to=dokuwiki $i -o `echo $i | sed 's/.md/.txt/g'` ; done
(1/1) instalando gitlab [#################################################] 100% You have to configure few things. Configure gitlab-shell in /etc/webapps/gitlab/shell.yml Configure the application database in /etc/webapps/gitlab/database.yml and run: # su - gitlab -s /bin/sh -c "cd /usr/share/webapps/gitlab; bundle exec rake gitlab:setup RAILS_ENV=production" Dependencias opcionales para gitlab mariadb: database backend postgresql>=9.1: database backend[instalado] python2-docutils: reStructuredText markup language support postfix: mail server in order to receive mail notifications